I really enjoyed the latest friends episode with the book discussion at the end. So thought it would be good to have a channel to talk books.
I've just finished the third book in the three body problem series. Loved it, it completely blown my mind, and changed the way I think about space.
Unsure what to read next, I'm tempted to read the fourth three body book, but see mixed reviews online with it being by a different author.
I'd love to have a list of all the books mentioned, there were so many! /cc @Adam Stacoviak @Nick Nisi
Yes me too, I was hoping they'd be in the show notes 🙏🏻
My favorite recent books were the Teixcalaan series -- A Memory Called Empire and A Desolation Called Peace.
Very character driven books, and for reasons I can't even pinpoint exactly just resonated super powerfully with me.
Updated this channel to be #bookclub cause I have plans :)
Great stuff with bookclub channel. Will definitely get back with my reads.
Refactoring Guru’s having a pretty big sale on their Design Patterns and Refactoring books. I haven’t read them, but the content on the site is some of my favorite treatments of both: https://refactoring.guru/store
A message was moved here from #bookclub > (no topic) by Adam Stacoviak.
Does anyone have any good books or resources on functional programming?
Big fan of https://grokkingsimplicity.com/ which the author was actually on Changelog a couple years ago!
Last updated: Dec 12 2024 at 16:47 UTC