Stream: friends

Topic: 73: Kaizen! Three wise men?

view this post on Zulip Logbot (Dec 13 2024 at 20:00):

Gerhard is back for Kaizen 17! We discuss our changes in-depth, detail new Zulip / Neon integrations & put our Pipedream to the test. Oh, and a Gerhard surprise (of course)! :link:

Ch Start Title Runs
01 00:00 Let's Kaizen! 00:38
02 00:38 Sponsor: Sentry 02:04
03 02:42 iA Presenter & Friends 01:42
04 04:24 The main thing 04:36
05 09:00 03:59
06 12:59 JOMO 04:04
07 17:03 Jerod's KDD 01:48
08 18:51 Embedded Kaizen 01:44
09 20:35 Early Xmas 01:59
10 22:34 just contribute? 02:20
11 24:54 05:31
12 30:24 PR #533 05:36
13 36:00 Sponsor: 02:24
14 38:24 PR #534 04:29
15 42:54 All-in on Zulip 10:49
16 53:42 Chapters in Zulip 05:52
17 59:34 Deploys in Zulip 07:41
18 1:07:15 Sponsor: Eight Sleep 02:29
19 1:09:44 Sponsor: Wix Studio 00:55
20 1:10:39 Testing our Pipedream 11:43
21 1:22:22 A new CDN is born 09:47
22 1:32:08 How close is the Pipedream 07:35
23 1:39:44 Bye, friends 00:59
24 1:40:42 Coming up next 01:53
25 1:42:35 (Your favorite ever show) 01:29

view this post on Zulip Jerod Santo (Dec 13 2024 at 20:01):

Check out those :point_up: chapter start time links @Gerhard @Adam Stacoviak :star_struck:

view this post on Zulip Matous Michalik (Dec 13 2024 at 21:35):

I immediately jumped here to check those chapter links. They look great!

Anyway while I’m here, I wish you all the best in the future. Those changes you talked about are big and from outside they look scary. But I can’t say they’re unexpected.

I will definitely miss the Go time song though.

view this post on Zulip Jerod Santo (Dec 13 2024 at 21:58):

You don't have to miss it!

view this post on Zulip Jamie Tanna (Dec 14 2024 at 11:16):

TIL there's a Zulip app, I thought it was only mobile web, so I'm now using that - big pain point of contributing to the community is it's mostly from mobile, and the editing experience is subpar on mobile Web (keyboard pops over the text box, etc)

view this post on Zulip Matt Johnson (Dec 14 2024 at 13:55):

I don't think I ever noticed the link structure for the links that go directly to a chapter. I had a little fun trying to find a specific spot in one of the chapters and linking to it (/friends/73#t=3185 or /friends/73#t=53:05) :green_heart:

view this post on Zulip Jerod Santo (Dec 14 2024 at 14:11):

@Matt Johnson hard-to-notice feature, but there's also a button in the player that will copy a timestamp link for sharing

CleanShot 2024-12-14 at 08.09.54@2x.png

view this post on Zulip Dustin (Dec 14 2024 at 16:05):

Jamie Tanna said:

TIL there's a Zulip app

I’m a bit disappointed. There’s a new flutter version in beta which is supposedly faster and more reliable but it doesn’t look like they’ve rethought the UX at all. For the most part I rarely notice the difference between Slack and Zulip but on mobile, finding any conversation I was a part of and have already marked read is basically gonna forever.

view this post on Zulip Jerod Santo (Dec 14 2024 at 16:08):

I agree with mobile app is nowhere near Slack's in usefulness/quality. That's bad news that the new version doesn't rethink the UX much...

view this post on Zulip Dustin (Dec 14 2024 at 17:00):

FWIW, I’m going off the 2 screenshots in this blogpost not from having played with it

view this post on Zulip Daniel Buckmaster (Dec 14 2024 at 21:25):

I'm using it right now, and you're right that the fundamental navigation hasn't really changed. There's a lot of feedback happening in if you want to make your voice heard!

view this post on Zulip Dustin (Dec 15 2024 at 14:04):

@Jerod Santo I’m having the exact same dilemma as you about the new MacBook pros!

view this post on Zulip Dustin (Dec 15 2024 at 14:07):

Also wondering if it makes sense to have a "Untopic" topic in #general for the stuff that doesn't yet have a topic.

view this post on Zulip Dustin (Dec 15 2024 at 14:09):

Daniel Buckmaster said:

I'm using it right now, and you're right that the fundamental navigation hasn't really changed. There's a lot of feedback happening in if you want to make your voice heard!

I hate reporting UX issues without being able to suggest a solution :sad: And I don't really feel like I have a strong sense for what a better experience would be! Slack's is better but I don't think it's ideal by any stretch.

view this post on Zulip Philip Durbin (Dec 15 2024 at 15:27):

Dustin said:

Also wondering if it makes sense to have a "Untopic" topic in #general for the stuff that doesn't yet have a topic.

This Zulip instance is not configured to require topics so you could just go for it. Just leave out the topic, I mean.

view this post on Zulip Andrew O'Brien (Dec 16 2024 at 14:49):

Still like Pipedream (or Dreampipe) as name because it's a pipe that's a dream to work with. But I'm guessing that's already trademarked.

view this post on Zulip Troy Witthoeft (Dec 17 2024 at 00:55):

Today I learned that there was no direct mention of three wise men, just three gifts.

view this post on Zulip Pontus Ullgren (Dec 17 2024 at 20:06):

@Gerhard Regarding the testing of VCL did you consider the build in test tool VTC ?

Can not find any mentioning of it in
If not I would urge you to take a look at it it allows you to build test where you can "fake" the backend and allows you to run all tests locally. Also Varnish useses it to test them self so there is a lot of example code to look at.

view this post on Zulip Jerod Santo (Dec 21 2024 at 15:15):

@Troy Witthoeft correct. Also they weren't there at Jesus' birth. They visited <= 2 years later.

Cultural depictions of the Bible are shockingly wrong in the most obvious ways, once you read it carefully for yourself. The Mandella Effect is strong with this one.

A few other examples, off the top of my head:

view this post on Zulip Tim Uckun (Dec 21 2024 at 20:38):

One of the interesting things in genesis is in the garden there is the tree of knowledge and the tree of life. Adam and Eve eat the fruit and gain knowledge of good and evil and once god finds out he sends out cherubim to put flaming swords in front of the tree of life so that they don't eat the fruit of that tree and become immortal and become like gods.

There is so much to unpack in that story. From the fact that god lied when he told them they would die on the day they ate the fruit and the serpent told them the truth when he said he said god was lying to the fact that immortality was within reach for humanity and prevented with swinging flaming swords at the east border of the garden (the garden apparently has borders!)

Anyway it's a funny origin story.

view this post on Zulip Ron Waldon-Howe (Dec 21 2024 at 23:45):

Well, they did sort of die: their old pre-knowledge lives were over
Like in Tarot, perhaps death here was a symbol of significant change

view this post on Zulip Tim Uckun (Dec 22 2024 at 03:10):

The exact quote is ""But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die". Seems pretty straightforward to me but I get that billions of people tend to interpret the bible in millions of ways.

The serpent on the other hand says

"“You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”"

Which did indeed turn out to be true.

Here is another wild thing. God told them they could eat the fruit of any tree except the tree of knowledge. He didn't mention the tree of life which means if they did eat from that tree they would be immortal. He also prevented them from eating the fruit of tree of life despite not telling them not to eat it.

Like I said it's a funny origin story.

My favorite origin story is the one where many universes are created every time Mahavishnu exhales.  Each universe is created, exists for a certain period of time, and is then destroyed, only to be recreated again in an endless cycle.

Kind of cool to have a multiverse origin story and the breathing cycle of mahavishnu is the age of the universe.

view this post on Zulip Gerhard (Dec 22 2024 at 12:53):

These looking amazing!

I love the tight integration between the Changelog episodes & Zulip. Now Zulip feels like a proper extension of the content, and based on all the comments in this one thread alone, I think that it's working really well.

I also think that we have the first topic for the next Kaizen:


view this post on Zulip Gerhard (Dec 22 2024 at 13:06):

Andrew O'Brien said:

Still like Pipedream (or Dreampipe) as name because it's a pipe that's a dream to work with. But I'm guessing that's already trademarked.

Yes, Pipedream had a nice ring to it, but it was less practical as a domain name:


It might still come back in the future - if the idea sticks & grows financially - but for now this makes for a great story, and only those that were there at the beginning get this:


I expect us to brainstorm some more and find a way to throw a twist of Pied Piper somehow in the mix.

Current state: 🧙🏼‍♂️🧙🏼‍♂️🧙🏼‍♂️

view this post on Zulip Gerhard (Dec 22 2024 at 13:06):

Pontus Ullgren said:

Gerhard Regarding the testing of VCL did you consider the build in test tool VTC ?

Can not find any mentioning of it in
If not I would urge you to take a look at it it allows you to build test where you can "fake" the backend and allows you to run all tests locally. Also Varnish useses it to test them self so there is a lot of example code to look at.

I missed this while looking at Varnish. This is super useful, thank you @Pontus Ullgren :+1:

view this post on Zulip Lars Ellingsen (Dec 22 2024 at 17:30):

Pied Pipedream

view this post on Zulip Pontus Ullgren (Dec 26 2024 at 17:35):

Gerhard said:

I missed this while looking at Varnish. This is super useful, thank you Pontus Ullgren :+1:

As always the docs can be better around this tool. But a few years ago I was working building varnish vmods and all the tests was made using VTC. I found that the collection of tests from the varnish-cache source code was the best source of information.

Most test has the vcl inline in the test but you can also include vcl files as shown in

Last updated: Mar 07 2025 at 01:14 UTC